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Writer's pictureEmily Turner

Ride For A Cure 2023

September 16th 2023, the 17th annual Ride for A Cure inspired by Wendy Nasby took place. Once again this event is a fundraiser held by Missy and Steve Sadler and helps raise money for people who are suffering from cancer. this money doesnt go to doctors but to spend time with their families. I was blessed to photograph this event for several years and this year I was asked to be one of the main photographers for the ride. I was able to actually climb atop a firetruck and document the takeoff process, get some individual shots at the stoplight and photograph people at rest stops. after the ride was over we all headed back to the Mid-American Science Park for a live auction, raffle, 50/50 drawing, music and presenting the money to these victims. I truly love helping out this organization as cancer victims hold a special place in my heart. This event truly is one of the best things going on in Scott County and Steve and Missy are one of the best heartfelt caring people in the entire world.

I once again arrived at the location bright and early after a quick battery run and instantly started shooting. I thought a photo of this sign would be a great introduction shot.

Liz North and Robert Garza. I spent most of the morning getting photos of bikes and participants pulling in and some candids. I've been documenting this event so many times that people have started remembering me and some would even pose for the camera.

All the guests and participants showing up ready to ride to beenfit some amazing people.

Steve Sadler welcoming everybody to the ride.

Beverly Roberts one who the ride is benefitting . Beverly is currently battling breast cancer.

Jordan King, Jordan is battling liver cancer.

Phil Miller:Prostate Cancer

Megan Stone: Breast Cancer

Easton Collins: Acute Lymphoblastic Lukeima

Not Pictured: Cynthia Williams-Brain Cancer and Jeff Moffatt: Esphogeal Cancer

Scottsburg Mayor Terry Amick leads everyone in a prayer before takeoff

Getting ready for takeoff. I along with Greg Shields climbed aboard a firetruck, where we were belted in for safety ready to document the beginning of the ride

And We're off!!! It was a little bouncy during the takeoff but i was still able to get some good shots and so was Greg.

Leaving the Mid-American Science Park

Once reaching the Stoplight we got a shot of the whole lineup with the banner. I remember having to ask everyone to pull forward just to get this shot but it still turned out awesome. It shows a bunch of people rallying together for a great cause and to help others.

After the Banner Shot, Bikes and vehicles slowly drove by to get their individual photo taken passing through.

First Rest Stop:Hardy Lake where the Scottsburg Bass Fishing team provided hot dogs, hamburgers and chips for everyone.

On the Road again. For this shot i got into the sunroof of the jeep and thought it turned out really cool.

Some Happy Faces at Rest Stop Number 2. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

After 3 Rest Stops, the Jeeps and Razors arriving back at the Mid American Science Park

Dale Hall and Auction crew hold an auction. Kevin Vernon gives away a bike for Wheels for Waylen.

David Carpenter Winner of the Bike from Wheels for Waylen.

Live Music from On The House Featuring Josh Colwell.

Missy Sadler Joins in for a special song.

Guests Dancing and Having fun.

This Year we were able to raise $84,000 for each individual beneficiary that was dealing with cancer. its awesome to see what our small community in southern indiana is capable of when we all come together to help those in need. Ive said before that this is one of the best events in scott county every single year. Steve and Missy are amazing for doing this along with the army behind them to help along the way. When we all join together we can do some good.

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